10 Questions with 10 Pastors

Andy Baker is lead pastor of First Baptist Church in Oloh, Mississippi, and a graduate and current PhD candidate at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Andy and host Tyler Sanders go way back—they met in middle school, so like a hundred years or something—and in this episode they discuss why you should embrace tough Bible passages in preaching, church membership and the value of building strong relationships in seminary.

Creators & Guests

Tyler Sanders
Tyler is director of communications at Gateway Seminary.

What is 10 Questions with 10 Pastors?

10 Questions with 10 Pastors is an interview podcast on preaching, ministry challenges, and more.

Host Tyler Sanders speaks with pastors about sermon strategy and preparation, the ups-and-downs of serving a church, and controversial topics like: Who has the best burger? In-n-Out or Five Guys?