The Dailytekk Podcast

2:02 - Talking about my iPad Pro video and that "wrong keyboard" order
8:07 - How has the pandemic affected DAILYTEKK?
11:44 - Getting to the Apple news...
11:54 - Will iPhone 12 be released on time?
12:41 - Netflix and YouTube limiting streaming quality in Europe...
15:30 - With WWDC kinda in limbo... let's talk about upcoming software changes!
25:27 - Why (how) are cameras in Macs still this terrible?!
27:29 - How Apple's gonna do smart glasses without a camera...
32:32 - Conan is now shooting from home on an iPhone...
34:44 - Cardiogram on your Apple Watch and monitoring COVID-19
35:49 - Apple released new colors for iPhone & iPad cases, Apple Watch bands...
37:15 - You can now share iTunes movies with friends?
39:18 - Will the government use our phone location data to track COVID-19?
43:04 - Apple closed all it's retail stores "indefinitely"
45:01 - Movies are coming directly to our homes and skipping theatures now...
47:07 - 8 Apple products make the list of the top 100 greatest modern designs
48:57 - Somethig to do while you're stuck at home....

What is The Dailytekk Podcast?

Hey it's Chris! Each week I talk about what's new with me, sometimes I talk about what's new with Apple and other tech interests and there's usually a healthy dose of life and work motivation along the way. Come hang out (new episodes every Friday)!