Fierce and Lovely

Bill Henson started Posture Shift in 2006 as a missionary to the LGBTQ community. His heart is big and his perspective so so helpful. I think no matter where you land theologically, you can't argue with our call to love radically.

Learn more about Posture Shift.
Learn more about Guiding Families.

Mentioned in this interview:
Dr. Preston Sprinkle's People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality is not just an Issue

Check out the Fierce & Lovely Mini-Courses HERE.
Learn more about the ReStory™ Universe HERE.

What is Fierce and Lovely?

Beth Bruno and her teen daughters chat about becoming young women in today's culture. Aimed at Christian moms and their girls, they cover heavy topics and light hearted Gen Z trends. Both educational and encouraging, being fierce and lovely requires a community of sisters willing to live life out loud.