Brooklyn Free Speech Radio

Salon Solo {Radio} presents Joanna Sherman of Bond Street Theatre talking about their international outreach with teaching about theatre to bridge understanding.~ and ~Salon Radio Special Feature presents Scandinavian audiovisual artist Cecilie Beck talking about her multi-disciplinary projects.This podcast is hosted by IWAS founder Heidi Russell, with Maureen Van Trease presenting our guests. Salon Radio includes a World Bulletin highlighting news about women in all The Arts and our Salon Bulletin for upcoming week's happenings of Salonistas around the world; this episode written and presented by bulletin editor team member Maureen Van Trease. Our sound engineers are Jade Zabric, Maureen Van Trease, and Jenny Green. This podcast was recorded at our production partners Funkadelic Studios.Salon Radio Logo and Branding: Maggie CousinsSalon Radio Theme: Teresa Lotz

Show Notes

Salon Solo {Radio} presents Joanna Sherman of Bond Street Theatre talking about their international outreach with teaching about theatre to bridge understanding.~ and ~Salon Radio Special Feature presents Scandinavian audiovisual artist Cecilie Beck talking about her multi-disciplinary projects.This podcast is hosted by IWAS founder Heidi Russell, with Maureen Van Trease presenting our guests. Salon Radio includes a World Bulletin highlighting news about women in all The Arts and our Salon Bulletin for upcoming week's happenings of Salonistas around the world; this episode written and presented by bulletin editor team member Maureen Van Trease. Our sound engineers are Jade Zabric, Maureen Van Trease, and Jenny Green. This podcast was recorded at our production partners Funkadelic Studios.Salon Radio Logo and Branding: Maggie CousinsSalon Radio Theme: Teresa Lotz

What is Brooklyn Free Speech Radio ?

Brooklyn Free Speech Radio is the borough's first community podcast network with content produced and edited by New York City's most diverse audio makers.