BreakDrink Podcast

In episode no. 14, Jeff and Laura take a minute to pause and discuss what’s been happening in this week’s recent events in Charlottesville, VA after a violent rally/protest over the taking down of the confederate statue of General Robert E. Lee. We are still forming our thoughts, but we do think it is a critical time to open up the dialogue about social justice/racial issues embedded within this protest, the messaging and response to the event, and what’s been happening since #Charlottesville in the United States of America.

Show Notes

In episode no. 14, Jeff and Laura take a minute to pause and discuss what’s been happening in this week’s recent events in Charlottesville, VA after a violent rally/protest over the taking down of the confederate statue of General Robert E. Lee. We are still forming our thoughts, but we do think it is a critical time to open up the dialogue about social justice/racial issues embedded within this protest, the messaging and response to the event, and what’s been happening since #Charlottesville in the United States of America. 

We are not finished processing, but we’ve been reading and listening to a lot of different voices -- so we thought we’d share a few recommended resources for you read, listen to, and more to help you engage and continue the conversation with those around you.

@BreakDrink Recommended LISTEN (Episodes rec’d + the whole podcast itself)
Politically Reactive - Charlottesville: Why did this happen and how do we move forward?
Rough Translation - Brazil in Black and White
It’s Been A Minute - 43:543555197">Charlottesville and White People - Why Sam Sanders Only Quotes White People
Code Switch - Charlottesville
Sincerely, X - Episode 5: Equality Executive - We need to recognize “Unconscious Bias” in our social issues - gender, race, and more! 
Pod Save America - “Denouncing Nazis is so fucking easy.” with former @BreakDrink guest Julissa Arce 
@BreakDrink Episode no. 2 with Julissa Arce 

@BreakDrink Recommended READS
#CharlottesvilleCurriculum hashtag
Making Sense of Charlottesville: A Reader’s Guide
History of Robert E. Lee [History Channel does our fact check.]
The Charlottesville Syllabus - UVa Graduate Coalition
Beyond Ignorance via the Librarians on IHE
@ACPA says #ThisIsUs vs. NASPA Says #ThisIsNotUs (with many comments)
 A Critical Perspective : On Mentoring and Education in the Wake of Charlottesville
Resources for Educators to Use is the Wake of Charlottesville via Anya Kamenetz
Why Universities Won’t Punish Students at Rallies
#Charlottesville, the Christian Response, and Your Church's Call - Ed Stetzer
Charlottesville Violence Sparks New Worries About Safety During Campus Protests (#WhiteLivesMatter) <= How is this a thing??

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What is BreakDrink Podcast?

BreakDrink is an occasional chat with Jeff Jackson and Laura Pasquini about life, work, and random stuff. There’s a good chance you’ll hear these co-hosts talk about their thoughts on current events, ukuleles, the NBA, podcasts, higher ed, rescue dogs, research, books, technology, and tacos… not in any particular order. They may even invite a friend to the pod to chat. Really, it’s a podcast to encourage you to take a break from the day and have a friend fill your cup.