Jugar Life

Welcome to day twenty-one of the Jugar Life podcast. This is a challenge that we love so so so much. If there is something you have wanted for a while like a new dress, top, watch, video game etc. grab it. Or treat yourself to a nice meal or delight. Sometimes the littlest treats can make the most significant impact on your happiness. Go ahead we permit you to treat yourself today.


Tag us on Instagram when you complete your daily Challenge - https://www.instagram.com/jugar.life/

Show Notes

Welcome to day twenty-one of the Jugar Life podcast. This is a challenge that we love so so so much. If there is something you have wanted for a while like a new dress, top, watch, video game etc. grab it. Or treat yourself to a nice meal or delight. Sometimes the littlest treats can make the most significant impact on your happiness. Go ahead we permit you to treat yourself today. 


Tag us on Instagram when you complete your daily Challenge - https://www.instagram.com/jugar.life/

What is Jugar Life?

Join us over the next 30 days as we set small daily tasks to help you improve your overall happiness. We challenge you to subscribe and take control of every area of your life.

Jugar Life identifies the direct correlation between creative, spontaneous play and happiness. At Jugar Life, we provide a series of play-based programs for all ages – young and old - in order to re-energise their day, increase focus, and overall experience of happiness.

Be sure to check out all episodes and download our free mobile app at www.jugar.life

Jugar Life is a movement designed to bring play back to adult life, helping you achieve increased happiness.

Jugar Life involves a series of play based mindfulness workshops and activities. Developed for adults, the Jugar Life practice will disrupt your day in a fun way helping you thrive in your place of work and at home.

The idea was born out of a desire to enhance the power of play and how this is essential to living a present meaningful life.