Ask Rezzz

Let’s assume 3 things:
- You’ve defined a service offering
- You have an ideal client
- You’ve vetted out the lead to a point at which you are at a tipping point of moving forward

But the sticking point is recurring vs one-off work.

There are 3 steps to help you sell someone your recurring service.
1. Re-establish the trust factor
2. Compare the benefits of recurring vs one-off
3. Show them how it gets them to the end quicker

Show Notes

Let’s assume 3 things: - You’ve defined a service offering - You have an ideal client - You’ve vetted out the lead to a point at which you are at a tipping point of moving forward But the sticking point is recurring vs one-off work. There are 3 steps to help you sell someone your recurring service. 1. Re-establish the trust factor 2. Compare the benefits of recurring vs one-off 3. Show them how it gets them to the end quicker

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