The Do What Is Necessary Podcast

🚀 Are you drowning in a sea of tasks? Feel like there's never enough time? 🕒 Well, buckle up, busy bees, because we're about to turn that "I'm swamped" into "I've Got This" with some epic Time Control powers! 💥

In this MUST-WATCH video, we dive into Step 2 of our 9-step Framework for crafting a Calm Business. 🧘‍♂️ Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to smooth sailing as we reveal secrets to bending time to your will. (Okay, not literally, but pretty close!)

Whether you're a one-person show or leading a small army, these tips are gold. 🌟 We'll show you how to zap time-wasters, prioritize like a pro, and create a schedule that works FOR you, not against you.

So, if you're ready to transform from overwhelmed entrepreneur to productivity superhero, hit play and let's get this time party started! 🎉 #TimeControl #ProductivityPowerUp #UnderdogsUnite
🎁 Everyone likes FREE stuff! Snag templates & other goodies 👉🏻👉🏻:
👨🏻‍💻 My ClickUp Masterclass:
🌟 Free ClickUp Trial (and 15% off for LIFE):

🔥 Key Points: 
00:00 | Intro
01:06  | Why time control matters
02:28 | Working more hours doesn't work
03:40 | The reason we can't seem to get anything done
04:03 | Task Batching FTW
07:10  | Benefits of task batching
08:58 | What things to batch process
10:57 | How to get started
12:26 | The #1 habit to break

What is The Do What Is Necessary Podcast?

Let's be honest: building a company from nothing is incredibly hard. It has been for me. I started my entrepreneurial journey at age 8. Yep, you read that right....8! Since then, I've started, run and sold multiple businesses with no partners and no funding. All my life I've had to build something from nothing, and that's what I've gotten really great at - tenacious, creative and extremely smart strategy coupled with hard work. Welcome to The Do What Is Necessary podcast—I’m your host, Andrew Moon.

Listen in as I share all the mistakes I’ve made and, more importantly, what I’ve learned from them, with no fluff, and no rose-colored glasses. The Do What Is Necessary Podcast is a show where we cut through the toxic hustle and grind mindset and dig into what it actually takes to start and grow a “calm business”. Calm is family first. Calm is more independence. Calm is sustainable practices for the long term. Calm is joyful. Running a calm company is a choice.

I’ll be giving unfiltered advice every week, 10 minutes per episode each. I want you to walk away from this podcast with the mindset and tools you need to be successful.

This podcast is for entrepreneurs, side hustlers, and busy professionals with a short attention span (like me)—you’ll get quick-hitting, actionable information in every single episode. If you give me your time, I promise it won't be wasted. Now let's get to work!