Talking Biotech with Dr. Kevin Folta

Talking Biotech with Dr. Kevin Folta Trailer Bonus Episode 453 Season 1

Disinformation Warfare Against Food, Farming and Medicine - Dr. Kevin Folta

Disinformation Warfare Against Food, Farming and Medicine - Dr. Kevin FoltaDisinformation Warfare Against Food, Farming and Medicine - Dr. Kevin Folta

Social media teems with false information about food and farming.  Influencers cover Instagram and Facebook with claims that food is poison and farmers are "dousing" crops in dangerous chemicals. It is a disinformation campaign that is founded on the fact that Americans make poor food and lifestyle choices, but instead of blaming our behaviors, they blame food and medicine, pushing bogus high-profit alternatives. But is there something nefarious here?  Has this online suspicion of our medical and food systems seeded by interests wishing to turn citizens against farmers and regulators, opting instead for fake alternatives and bogus nostrums?  It is a viable hypothesis. The war on seed oils, glyphosate and genetically engineered crops has re-ignited, despite minimal, if any, risk. Senate testimony by podcaster and "integrative nutritionist" Courtney Swan is dissected to demonstrate how wildly incorrect these folks are-- when speaking before a US Senate commitee!  This is how disinformation spread and now is being used to influence the highest eschelons of federal government. This all appears to be science and reason losing a damaging disinformation campaign using the internet and its complicit influencers to harm food and national security. 

What is Talking Biotech with Dr. Kevin Folta?

Talking Biotech is a weekly podcast that uncovers the stories, ideas and research of people at the frontier of biology and engineering.

Each episode explores how science and technology will transform agriculture, protect the environment, and feed 10 billion people by 2050.

Interviews are led by Dr. Kevin Folta, a professor of molecular biology and genomics.