Documentaries on KCLR

The Skinny on the Schism is a four part docu-drama that tells the story of Fr Robert O’Keeffe and the Callan Schism. In this episode, we are introduced to Callan Parish Priest, Fr Robert O’Keeffe. You will hear about the argument he had with his Bishop as the story of the schism unfolds.

Show Notes

The Skinny on the Schism is a four part docu-drama that tells the story of Fr Robert O’Keeffe and the Callan Schism. 

Produced by Monica Hayes for KCLR. Supported by the Broadcastings Authority of Ireland with the television license fee.

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Discover a world of history, drama, comedy, business and politics through Documentaries on KCLR. Meet storytellers, songwriters, actors, performers and uncover a wealth of information connected to Kilkenny and Carlow.