Justice. Mercy. Faith.

Imagine what the Church would look like if congregations spent less time on policing public policy (whether it be “pro-life” or “social justice) and more time living a life in conformity with the mind of Christ? Daniel Headrick, associate pastor of Northside Drive Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, suspects a church which followed that servant’s path would be utterly transformed in its missional and spiritual identity. He joins the podcast for a conversation with Christian Citizen editor Curtis Ramsey-Lucas on being a Christian citizen in an election year.

Show Notes

Imagine what the Church would look like if congregations spent less time on policing public policy (whether it be “pro-life” or “social justice) and more time living a life in conformity with the mind of Christ? Daniel Headrick, associate pastor of Northside Drive Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, suspects a church which followed that servant’s path would be utterly transformed in its missional and spiritual identity. He joins the podcast for a conversation with Christian Citizen editor Curtis Ramsey-Lucas on being a Christian citizen in an election year

Our theme music is “Believable 2” by Peter Sandberg

The Christian Citizen is edited by Curtis Ramsey-Lucas and is a publication of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies. The show, website and newsletter are produced by Joshua Kagi. Stories are copy edited by Hannah Estifanos. Our Art Director is Danny Ellison.

The Christian Citizen editorial board is: Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, Laura Alden, Susan Gottshall, Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, the Rev. Salvador Orellana, the Rev. Dr. Marilyn Turner-Triplett and Rev. Cassandra Carkuff Williams, and our advisors are Cherilyn Crowe, the Rev. Kimberlee Payton Jones, the Rev. Steven D. Martin, the Rev. Marvin A. McMickle and the Rev. Harold Dean. 

To learn more about The Christian Citizen visit our website, ChristianCitizen.us.

What is Justice. Mercy. Faith.?

Spoken word essays from contributors of The Christian Citizen, author interviews, and conversation on issues pertaining to justice, mercy, and faith. Through The Christian Citizen, we seek to shape a mind among American Baptists and others on matters of public concern by providing a forum for diverse voices living and working at the intersection of faith and politics, discipleship and citizenship.