COMMUNITY SOUP: A Podcast Powered by Community Schools

What better way for the Community Schools Youth Council at AUER AVENUE to close out their year than inviting both myself and MCSP Director Glenn Carson into their space to interview us on our current journeys and our outlook on what it means to be a good leader. Youth Leaders - Eniya Gomez, Malaki Brooks, Ta'Laylia Tatum, Merikale Gomez, and Shauntayvia Mitchell-Terry with the support from Community School Coordinator Kim Bikulcius lead us through an engaging intergenerational conversation on leadership.

What is COMMUNITY SOUP: A Podcast Powered by Community Schools?

Captivating conversations that amplify voices and the efforts of key individuals, organizations, and stakeholders that are working to promote the work of Community Schools, a nationally recognized research based school transformational model. Listen to testimonials and stories that boost the Community Schools signal and best practices from the strategy that is transforming schools one relationship at a time.