Getting To Ramen

In this episode (part 1 of 2) Josh talks to Landon Bennet of AdReform about finding and closing on larger SaaS customers.

Show Notes

In this episode Josh talks to Landon Bennet of AdReform about finding and closing on larger SaaS customers.

Landon has a ton of experience in SaaS sales at several customers (including 3 companies that he's successfully bootstrapped with his co-founder Kyle Conarro). This is a must-listen for any indie hackers or bootstrap founders.

A few topics covered in the call are:
  • You should never be surprised by the outcome of a deal
  • Time kills every deal
  • Annual contracts
  • Avoid forever discounts

What is Getting To Ramen?

One SaaS-trepreneur's journey to building a sustainable lifestyle business online. With all of the failures, successes, and learnings along the way (including interviews with people like Justin Jackson, Rob Walling, Ben Orenstein, and others).