FCLG: Farmers Sharing Calls

90% of the microbes in the human gut are also present in our soils. Yes—everything is connected when it comes to nutrition. Healthier soil biology translates to healthier, more nutrient-dense plants, which translates to a healthier and more secure food supply for people. But how do you take care of your soil biology properly? It's a balancing act. You have to look at each farm on a holistic level and take action based on that farm's needs. If you have questions about PhysaGro products, reach out to this episode's main presenter, Andy Dardini, at dardiniaw@gmail.com.

2:50 Introduction to PhysaGro and its products.
4:20 Summary of the decrease of nutrient markers in food.
7:50 How soil biology uses dormancy to compensate for and survive its environment.
9:10 Importance of biological diversity to gut health.
12:20 Importance of microbes to plant life and plant functions.
14:15 How CarbonWorks CetaiN enhances biological conversion.
17:10 Why pests attack the weak. 
19:50 Why different carbon sources aren't equal. 
21:22 Bernoulli's principle and how it relates to plant growth.
23:15 RO vs. activated water
30:40 Adding oxygen with CarbonWorks Replenish: reviewing a trial evaluating biological growth in water.
34:00 Biological products must be paired with good nutrition. How to store biologicals. 
35:40 Field results of PhysaGro products.
41:05 What is the right way and time to apply biologicals?
43:10 Does herbicide harm biologicals?
46:25 Importance of oxygen to converting sugars to energy in plants. 
49:00 Carbon dioxide concentrations in the air. 
50:30 Do biologicals increase digestibility in cattle?
56:18 More discussion on the timing of biological applications.
58:50 Water treatments as alternatives to activated water.
1:01:20 How to treat city water for applications. 
1:03:40 How to find the right balance in your in-furrow program.
1:08:12 Placement of products in relation to the seed. Is one method preferred over the others?
1:10:00 Importance of "resting" the land to biodiversity. Negative impact of monocropping.
1:10:43 Breakdown of crop residue and manure requires energy and oxygen.
1:16:30 Are calcium products beneficial? 
1:17:45 A reminder of the importance of balance in your agronomy program.
1:22:00 Corn on corn: Why do crops perform well without biodiversity?
1:25:25 Effect of the Roundup trait on multiple crop rotations.
1:28:15 Performance degradation of Roundup over time. 
1:29:30 How CarbonWorks Replenish assists with weed control.
1:31:00 Which CarbonWorks products are best paired with chemical application? 
1:36:10 Importance of energy and oxygen to soil health, even in soils with high organic matter. Need to look at every farm on a holistic level.

What is FCLG: Farmers Sharing Calls?

As farmers, we often choose our agronomy strategies alone, with only sales pitches to guide us. We worry for our farm’s future because our success depends on salespeople who may place their interests ahead of ours. The Fellowship of Christ Like Growers is working to change this with our Farmers Sharing Calls. Our podcasts are an opportunity to bless each other with shared knowledge without sales pitches and the pressure to buy something. We center our discussions around soil health, not a particular crop or region. My own 18-year journey in agriculture has taught me the importance of soil stewardship. And other farmers have inspired much of what I’ve learned. I’m George Sims, and I hope you’ll join us.