Grownups Read Princess Stories

Dave Morris reads the Norwegian Cinderella tale ' Katie Woodencloak'

Show Notes

Today you will be hearing Norways variation of the Cinderella tale. Katie Woodencloak. 
Katie Woodencloak was originally an oral folk tale that eventually Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe published in their book of fairy tales called ‘ Norwegian folk tales '  in 1842.
But it wasn’t until 1890 when Andrew Lang added the story to the second book in his collection of Fairy tales called the Red Fairy book, that Katie Woodencloak reached a larger audience.
Reading the tale is Dave Morris. 
Dave is world renowned improviser, storyteller, podcaster, magician and father. He has been teaching, producing, and performing improv around the world for over 20 years. He is the artistic director of the multi award winning Paper Street Theatre co. 
In 2020 along with fellow Magician, Colin Holt, Dave opened The Victoria School of Magic, offering classes to youth. Dave has also produced several  podcasts over the years, including The Style Guide Podcast and Questions Period with his good friend, Steven Ray Orr. Recently he released a six-part conversation series with Australian Improviser Jason Geary called In Conversation.
You can find Dave Morris on all Social Media’s under Dave Morris. Paper Street Theatre is on all social media under that name. You can also go to
Or simply go to for everything!
*photo by Derek Ford

What is Grownups Read Princess Stories?

Grownups Read Princess Stories is the podcast that has grownups from around the world read Fair Tales and true history stories of Princesses.
Each episode is a different grownup reading in their own unique voice.