Small Victories

Small Victories Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

001: Small Victories Trailer

001: Small Victories Trailer001: Small Victories Trailer


Marisol and the Host take the time to introduce themselves and the world they inhabit. [Small Victories Premieres February 1, 2022]

Show Notes

Marisol and the Host take the time to introduce themselves and the world they inhabit.

A 9-episode dramatic comedy, Small Victories follows the life of a recently recovered drug addict as she tries to restart life on the right foot. Small Victories Premieres February 1, 2022. For further information go to

Morgen McKynzie as Marisol
Akanimo Effang as Host

Writer & Creator: Jade Madison Scott
Directer & Sound Designer: Nathan Gabriel
Script Supervisor: Virginia Wilson
Composer: Sterlyn Termine
Logo Artist: Julia Patrick

What is Small Victories?

A recently recovered drug addict tries to start her new lease on life, too bad life has it out for her. This drama follows Marisol through the ups and downs of a year in her life. (2024 NAACP Image Award Nominee For Outstanding Scripted Podcast)