Spanish for Children and Families

Have you ever considered the profound impact of brain plasticity on a child's ability to learn Spanish and how it influences their cognitive development? 

In this episode of the "Spanish for Children and Family" podcast, I explore the concept of brain plasticity and its connection to learning Spanish.

Brain plasticity is especially powerful during childhood. Neuroplasticity, as it's known, refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections in response to learning and experiences. The early years, marked by high plasticity, create an ideal phase for language acquisition, laying the groundwork for learning languages like Spanish effortlessly.

However, it's not solely about language skills but also about nurturing an appreciation for culture, fostering empathy, and preparing the brain for future language learning endeavors.

I provide actionable insights for parents or caregivers, focusing on exposure, consistency, and engagement as key elements in facilitating effective language learning. Parents: embarking on the learning journey alongside their children, even without fluency, can be enriching for both parties.

Key takeaways:

·      Brain plasticity in childhood facilitates efficient language acquisition, especially for learning Spanish.
·      Introducing Spanish early fosters cultural understanding and creates opportunities for future language learning.
·      Parents' engagement and a language-rich environment are key in facilitating effective language learning.


·      Book Recommendation: "The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind" by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson.
·      Join the Facebook group "Mundo Fantástico, Spanish for Children" for additional resources and support.
·      Email us at

Thank you for joining me on another insightful episode of the "Spanish for Children and Family" podcast. If you found this helpful, remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share with friends. Let's continue this amazing journey together. ¡Hasta la próxima!

What is Spanish for Children and Families?

Jenny Corredor Varela is a native speaker, Spanish coach and program creator. With more than 21 years of experience, she has helped children, adults and families learn this beautiful language whether they speak Spanish at home or not. In the Spanish for Children and Families podcast, she shares great tips for language acquisition, overcoming challenges and raising bilingual children. She also shares Spanish lessons and helpful resources.
FB group - Mundo Fantastico - Spanish for Children