PHP Town Hall

Matt and Ben are joined by PsalmPHP author and maintainer Matthew Brown to talk about static analysis, open source maintanence, how he and Ondrej Mirtes made a nice contribution to the PHP Coore and how to get Matthew out to more conferences so people can buy him the beers he so rightfully deserves.

Show Notes:

Matthew on Twitter

Show Notes

Matt and Ben are joined by PsalmPHP author and maintainer Matthew Brown to talk about static analysis, open source maintanence, how he and Ondrej Mirtes made a nice contribution to the PHP Coore and how to get Matthew out to more conferences so people can buy him the beers he so rightfully deserves.

Show Notes:

Psalm Matthew on Twitter

What is PHP Town Hall?

PHP Town Hall is a podcast from Ben Edmunds and Matt Trask that raises questions about current events (or upcoming things) in the PHP community, with different guests each episode.