Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty

Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 1

John Wineland - Death Pulls Up A Chair At The Table

In this wisdom packed episode, our guest John Wineland shares his story of being a father who knows his child could die at any moment, and chooses to live and love fully because of it. John recounts how a men’s group helped him get sober and step into being a new father. He also shares his profoundly practical and accessible teachings for conducting love and self mastery. 

John Wineland is an author, teacher and speaker, who for over a decade, has been leading both men and women in the realms of spiritual intimacy, life’s purpose and embodiment. John teaches worldwide bringing his vision for a new paradigm of masculine leadership and conscious relationships to those yearning to live and love with wide open hearts. 


What is Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty?

Fatherhood is the biggest rite of passage in a man’s life, and our biggest opportunity to grow up, wake up, and to learn who you actually are. This podcast is intended to be a lightning rod to call men to action, to create community, and to set a new tone and standard for what fatherhood means.