GraphQL Radio

Peggy Rayzis is leading the Developer Experience org at Apollo. As Sr. Director she is in charge of Developer Relations and Education functions. Her department intersects the efforts of engineers, developer advocates, educators, writers, and filmmakers; who are all united in their mission to inspire and equip developers to be successful with using Apollo products.

Show Notes

Hear Peggy Rayzis' perspective on:
  • Apollo
  • Developer Experience
  • GraphQL's rise
  • Community building
  • Doing DevRel right
  • Developer education
  • Apollo's secret sauce
  • Apollo product line
  • GraphQL issues
  • Open Source efforts
  • Future of GraphQL,
  • and much more…
Peggy Rayzis is leading the Developer Experience org at Apollo. As Sr. Director she is in charge of Developer Relations and Education functions. Her department intersects the efforts of engineers, developer advocates, educators, writers, and filmmakers; who are all united in their mission to inspire and equip developers to be successful with using Apollo products.


What is GraphQL Radio?

Max Stoiber (CEO, Stellate) and Abhi Aiyer (Tech Lead, Gatsby) dive deep into the GraphQL ecosystem with experts from the industry.

Listen in for practical tips from production power users, discussions about the evolution of the language and the tooling, the work of the GraphQL Foundation, and so much more.