FamilyLife Canada Podcast

The West often sees family as a springboard for individual success, but guests Jeremy and April Pryor champion building your family as a team, where members learn to adopt family values and have their contributions celebrated. They discuss the mental shift this takes and practical daily rhythms that nurture this sense of team in your whole family.

Show Notes

Jeremy and April Pryor are founders of FamilyTeams, an organization dedicated to helping families flourish as teams. Learn more about their books and e-course, "The Seven Day Family."

What is FamilyLife Canada Podcast?

Do you ever wonder if your marriage and your family is normal? We’re Neil and Sharol Josephson and we’ve had the privilege of talking to thousands of couples across Canada. We know the questions they’re asking and the struggles they’re wrestling with in their marriage and parenting. In this podcast, we bring in some of our favourite teachers, authors, counsellors and relationship coaches — some of the people we’ve learned from — and we’ll also talk to real couples like you — doing real life in the real world. The discussions you’ll listen in on are honest, faith-based, funny at times, and most importantly, filled with help and hope. Great marriages and great families don’t just happen. So please join us for the FamilyLife Canada Podcast.