Brown Liquor and Bad Ideas

Cousins, the recent numbers on COVID still requires our attention and engagement.

Show Notes

What is the current status? Moving toward herd immunity 70+%
Exempt -- Newborns, non-tested populations and those with compromised immune systems, like transplant recipients,
Please reconsider -- Religious objections, the Pope stated that it is a moral obligation to take the vaccine, fears about the possible risks or skepticism about the benefits
Believing that it is a hoax is not an excuse
Mayo clinic report over 31 million people have had COVID 19 almost 10% of the population
Check out the New York times maps on the data about your county in the links provided
CDC said fully vaccinated people can return to more regular routines


What is Brown Liquor and Bad Ideas?

Meet Cousin Cornell Wright, the People's Lobbyist while he downs a bit of his favorite brown liquor and shares with his thoughts about life and other bad ideas.

Vocals by: Travaulya Wallace