Mads Singers Management Podcast

Management based on values is a critical factor in building a business even more than it’s demanding when leading a family-owned business, as it requires the same integrity and skill at leading as in any other type of organization. 
None other than Chris Prefontaine joins us on this episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast to share his perspective in leading and growing family-owned business. 
Chris Prefontaine banks on the principle that for the family-owned business to sustain, the system that operates it must be anchored on the values to act upon its mission. This way, shared beliefs are developed and in return, getting the buy-in is not compulsory as successful integration to its values, and its mission has been made. 
Values-based management once clearly defined, must also be the guide in performance evaluation. Chris ensures that for this to be feasible, he consistently communicates those values at every opportunity possible. 
He gets engaged to his team members by way of shared beliefs so that he could, in turn, grow along with them and lead others in the future. 
For Chris, driven by values, alignment on the business’ mission is more likely and helps the details more readily fall into place. 
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Key Learning: 
1. Chris Prefontaine’s Management Philosophy – 2:11, 3:04
2. People Management Mission -  5:42
3. Outgrowing Business-related Challenges –  6:18, 16:53
4. Identifying Tomorrow’s Leaders –  8:28
5. Chris Prefontaine’s Take On Delegation – 13:09 
6. Unique Management Style – 15:11
7. Business Risks – 17:42
8. Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions – 19:04 
Resources Mentioned: 
1. Multipliers 
2. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
3. The Hard Things About Hard Things

Connect with Chris Prefontaine on the following online handles: 

What is Mads Singers Management Podcast ?

Learn from dedicated entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts who have been in your shoes, effectively managing people, successfully growing businesses, and helping others do the same!

Hi! I am Mads Singers, your podcast host, People Management Coach, and Consultant.

My management philosophy is based on a simple and unique premise:
Treat everyone as an individual and put the right individuals into the right box.

Doing this makes the rest of the management process that much easier.


Get better results by learning the “hacks” from the best and learn actionable steps to apply to your business and personal life!

New episodes are published every Wednesday at 9 AM EST.