Armidale Radio Theatre Society

Welcome to our 2024 production of Charley's Aunt!

This year WORK300 student, Nicholas Troon, decided to experiment with the classic radio theatre format by including a live audience in his production of Brandon Thomas' "Charley's Aunt".

Charley's Aunt is a hilarious play which follows two lovestruck boys attempting to propose to their respective loves.  Trouble blocks their way in the form of the girls’ melancholic guardian Sir Stephen Spettigue.  As so, the boys need to concoct a plot to get the girls away from their guardians glare and do so in hilarious fashion.  The play features mistaken identity, love, and plenty of laughs.

To fully immerse yourself in our production, compliment your listening experience with our pre-show playlist (

This is the shows preamble, explaining the shows format.  

Jessica Waters as Jack Chesney
Nikolai Tursan d'Espaignet as Charley Wykham
Jay Samuelson as Fancourt Babberly
Grace Saxton as Amy Spettigue
Melissa Hawthorne as Kitty Verdun
Sophie Troon as Brassett
Joe Lennox as Sir Francis Chesney
Ash Taylor as Sir Stephen Spettigue
Emily Moore as Donna Lucia Salvador
Jess Rothschild as Ela Salvador

Directed by Nicholas Troon

This recording was performed live at the UNE Bistro on the 5th September.  

What is Armidale Radio Theatre Society?

Join ARTS as they perform your favourite plays live on radio.

If you're interested in hosting a production over the airwaves contact or visit our team in studio.

See for more information.