Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche

We talked with Frederico Guanais, Deputy Head of the Health Division at the OECD, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, about people-centered health systems and its potential to improve patient experience and clinical outcomes without giving up the ideal of sustainability.

Show Notes

Today, we will talk with Frederico Guanais, Deputy Head of the Health Division at the OECD, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, about people-centered Health Systems. 

Frederico graduated with a degree in civil engineering from the Universidade Federal da Bahia and earned a master’s degree from the same institution. He also earned a Ph.D. in Public Administration, Health Policy and Management from New York University. 

Prior to joining the OECD, he has worked with the ministries of Finance, Social Security, and Social Development in Brazil, as well as for the Inter-American Development Bank as Principal Health Specialist. 

What is Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche ?

Sistemas de salud sostenibles, innovación y salud digital, acceso a cuidados de calidad y una cobertura universal de salud.

Estos son algunos de los temas que abordaremos en este espacio de Roche América Latina junto a referentes globales de la salud, la tecnología y las políticas públicas.

El desafío es cómo llevar la promesa de la innovación y el acceso universal a una mejor calidad de vida a todos los ciudadanos del mundo. Es algo que nos concierne a todos.

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