The best antidote to burnout is to find the joy of living

Show Notes

This is our last episode of the beyond burnout podcast series. First off, I’m so proud of you if you are here and listening. Many who are in real burnout can’t even get themselves to listen. So you are already making progress. My hope is not just to help you but to help you help others. If you see a fellow instructor, team mate, franchisee or client who is in a state of burnout, reach out to them. Share some of what you have learned or what you have figured out yourself. We truly are a community that lifts each other up. Ok so for our final topic, it’s my favorite one. It’s about how to add more joy into your life. So, a little sneak peak for you. I have written a new book and my hope is that it comes out in 2023. The title is still being worked out but the essence is to find the joy in living. It’s not about the pursuit of happiness because we find that it’s a moving horizon that can never be reached. It’s about finding joy now, today, in simple normally every day life. It’s about finding joy on a daily basis, not just living for weekends or for vacations. It’s about finding joy in the beautiful chaos of life. 


These are unpublished podcasts and meditations when we have something we want to share informally. If you want published podcasts, check out The Empowered Mama podcast.