In "Lafftrak," the fifth episode of season 2 of "Lexx," the crew of the Lexx finds themselves in a bizarre situation when they encounter a planet that’s essentially a giant comedy show. The inhabitants are obsessed with laughter, and they force the crew to participate in various comedic acts to keep them entertained.
As the crew navigates this strange world, they face absurd challenges, including slapstick humor and bizarre comedic scenarios. The episode satirizes television and the nature of entertainment, leading to both hilarious moments and some darker themes. Ultimately, they must find a way to escape the planet's clutches while dealing with the ridiculousness of their situation.
The episode blends sci-fi with comedy, showcasing the unique and often surreal tone of "Lexx."
The network that brought you "Come in 81 Kilo: A Forever Knight Podcast" brings you an episode by episode rewatch of the Canadian sci-fi classic - Lexx. Listen to Matt and Rachel's unique blend of wit and wisdom as we tackle this delightfully weird TV show.