Finneran's Wake

Logan Wright is the founder of Greco Gum.

Greco Gum sells a premium mastic gum sourced from the Greek island of Chios in the Aegean Sea. 

Chewed since time immemorial, mastic gum offers a plethora of health and aesthetic benefits: it satiates hunger, cleanses the teeth, sharpens the mind, strengthens the muscles of mastication (those with which you chew!), and transforms your wilting jawline into that of an absolute Adonis.

Personally, I chew it every day and can’t recommend it highly enough! 

In this episode, Logan and I discuss: 

Chest-less and Jaw-less men; The Proper Way to Breathe; Sleep; Good Facial Posture; Traditional v. Modern Diets; Intuitive Eating; Entrepreneurship; How to start a business; E-commerce and Social Media; Crafting Goals and Finding Purpose; Mastic Gum: What is it, and where does it come from?; Bro-science v. “Real” science; Beauty, and whether or not it’s subjective; Plato; The Forms; John Keats; CS Lewis; How to Improve Your Appearance; Everyone can be a “7”; Health and wellness…

And MUCH more! 

Before you do anything else, follow the link below and purchase yourself a tin of Greco Gum:

And start chewing, you handsome devil! 




Links to my stuff: 

Check out my Instagram page for shorts from this and prior episodes: @danielethanfinneran

Twitter: @DanielEFinneran


Email me at

My sister project, PNEUMA, on which I put out sleep stories, meditations, mindfulness content: 

Youtube @pneumabydanielfinneran

Be sure to subscribe to this channel if you enjoy these conversations and share them with family and friends! 

What is Finneran's Wake?

Finneran’s Wake – where the ART OF CONVERSATION lives.

Here, no topic is untouchable, no idea inadmissible, and no one too heretical to be heard.

As the great French essayist Montaigne once said, “To my taste, the most fruitful and natural exercise of our minds is CONVERSATION. I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives”.

It certainly is the most delightful activity in my life. I want it to be so in yours as well.

To that end, I humbly welcome you to my channel.

Here, we'll exercise our minds together. Here, we'll practice this delightful activity as friends. We'll engage, now and forever, in the art--the highest and most human art--of conversation!

With affection,