A Dog's Life with Anna Webb

A Dog's Life with Anna Webb Trailer Bonus Episode 161 Season 1

Red Light Therapy

Red Light TherapyRed Light Therapy

This week we’re down at the Mind, Body and Spirit show where we caught up with Ruth Milner talking about ‘Red Light Therapy’. As a member of the International Light Association, Ruth is an expert authority on the power of light as a healing modality. We discuss the sudden boom in LED sourced Red and Near Infrared devices, which have flooded the beauty market recently. We chat why not all ’devices’ are the same in their evidence based doses. We discuss the how light interacts with our cells at a biological level to provide vital energy and power ATP. We discuss the latest volume of The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness from the International Light Association, in which Ruth’s chapter of using a device called Photizo has helped all creatures great and small: from tigers, elephants, horses, dogs and even hedgehogs. And we discuss why the Photizo range gained its Medical CE status -with so many applications to help on a human level too - we chat notably about evidence on Red Light and Parkinson's disease. But we also discuss why ‘Red Light Therapy’ uses a modality termed by MeSH in 2015 - its called Photobiomodulation.

Find out more here

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If you want to move your dog to a raw diet or even switch brands we wholly recommend Paleo Ridge

For more about Anna go to annawebb.co.uk

Music and production by Mike Hanson for Pod People Productions

Cover art by Jaijo

Cover photo by Rhian Ap Gruffydd at Gruff Pawtraits

What is A Dog's Life with Anna Webb?


They’re companions, guardians, and much much more – they complete us. And they just might save us from ourselves.

Anna Webb explores all levels of modern dog ownership and brings to life why every dog is extraordinary.

She speaks to scientists and experts - people who have and are changing our understanding of dogs - on everything from emotional intelligence to nutrition to behaviour, delving deep into subjects like homeopathy, telepathic communication and the pet food scandal.

It's thought provoking, alternative, and not a little subversive.

Cover photo by @Gruffpawtraits