Midlife Confidence

What you really want when you wish you had more money, is actually a certain feeling that you think more money would give you.

Show Notes

What you really want when you wish you had more money, is actually a certain feeling that you think more money would give you. That’s the main point of today’s coaching session with my awesome friend Emily. It turns out that one of the reasons she wants to get a degree and become a therapist is to have her own money to spend without guilt. We dive in to why it's more powerful if she creates that feeling of freedom and independence now instead of waiting. So if you have expectations and wishes around money, this is for you! (2 of 3 with Emily)

In this episode:
  • We all have a relationship with money
  • If we’ve trained our brain to worry about money it will keep doing it even if we get more money – until we intentionally change that pattern
  • Keys of a healthy money relationship in marriage
Show notes:

What is Midlife Confidence?

No need for a midlife crisis – it’s time for your midlife quest! Now is the perfect time to enjoy more peace and purpose in your life. Join life coach Vauna Davis to discover how to get past those thoughts and feelings getting in the way of the life you want. Because a beautiful life comes from a beautiful mind. Get your mind, body, and spirit working together to make that dream a reality. Vauna has lots of experience to share about loving life in the middle as a wife, mom of 4 grown children, entrepreneur, life coach, and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What's possible for you? Let’s find out together! New episodes every 2 weeks. Learn more at midlifeconfidencecoach.com.