The Junkyard Love Podcast

A charismatic-chameleon,
A wisdom-filled wizard,
A starry-eyed Scorpio,
it’s the great Roman Merrell!
In this episode, I’m joined by an old friend to explore a bit of our past… recent and far far away. Roman has lived an interesting and adventurous life up to this point, and his perception of the world is a wonderful one to know.
We catch up as Roman shares personal teachings and experiences from the last decade that have led him on a path of discovery and introspection about the universe. We speak astrology, the self, things we learned in our twenties, teens, and childhood, psychedelic experiences, being a Scorpio and an introvert, meta-perspective, voices in the head, alchemy, cognitive perception over the ages, being aware of awareness, various philosophies of the past, trauma, postcards to our Karmic family, lost lineage, retold histories, heightened intuition, fake crying, and much much more. I could've title this "Two Scorpio friends reconnect and talk about their place in the universe" but that didn't feel as catchy. If you love the wisdom and knowledge from Roman - check out his podcasts and art here:
Rising From The Ashes Podcast:
Moon Mysteries:

If you'd love to hear more convos between Roman and myself - let us know! comment, share, and follow - thanks for listening!

Roman expands on the concept of:
"Millionaires don't have Astrologers, billionaires do."
"When I was a kid, I had this movie theatre in my head."
"There were these nuns, they would walk in through my ear, they would go and sit down in the seats in my head, watching what I'm watching, commenting on what I'm seeing, and I couldn't of been more than nine or ten years old."
"We are so in love with love, humans are love. Everything that we have down to our core, is a passion, it's a heartbeat, it's a feeling, and it's the vibration of unconditional love. When you separate all the layers, that's what it is. You get in tune with that by surrounding yourself with the things that make it easy for you to feel that love."

What is The Junkyard Love Podcast?

This is a creative/philosophical/personal-growth podcast that shares discussions with unorthodox teachers and interesting humans. Through honest conversation with the host, Jacob, we mine the hearts and minds of one another to discover interest, connection, theory, stories, joy, creativity, knowledge, and wisdom. Jacob navigates the human condition through a growing lens of mindfulness, curiosity, and thoughtfulness.

Here you'll find playful, inquisitive, and friendly dialogues with the likes of psychologists, musicians, teachers, yoga instructors, philosophers, DJs, health educators, entrepreneurs, astrologists, holistic healers, meditators, life coaches, athletes, hairdressers, authors, speakers, comedians, leaders, advocates, changemakers, seemingly regular people bursting with wisdom, artists, mathematicians, and much more.