Marketing Honestly Show

I received a question about the ethics of pricing your services based on how much the client can afford:

"Is it fair to base your pricing on how much people can afford - [for example,] charging a large and wealthy company a lot more - or should it always be based on fairness and good value, even if the company is willing to pay your artificially high fees?"

Show Notes

I received a question about the ethics of pricing your services based on how much the client can afford:
Is it fair to base your pricing on how much people can afford - [for example,] charging a large and wealthy company a lot more - or should it always be based on fairness and good value, even if the company is willing to pay your artificially high fees?

What is Marketing Honestly Show?

An unconventional marketing podcast by aspiring tap dancer turned marketer, Brad Hussey, who attempts to answer the question, "Is it possible to build a successful and ethical online business? Or are we doomed to use dishonest tactics and deceptive marketing to succeed?".