Making Better Decisions: Leaders in Data

In this episode of Making Better Decisions, host Ryan Sullivan engages with guest Mario Laposse! Ryan and Mario delve into the nuances of using data to make better decisions, emphasizing that data isn't a cure-all but requires correct framing, asking the right questions, and being intentional to derive meaningful insights. Mario also discusses the misalignment between business and data strategy and the importance of integrating them to avoid conflicting goals. It’s an enlightening episode you don’t want to miss! 
  • Data should not be seen as an all-encompassing solution but as a critical tool that requires careful consideration of what leaders are seeking to achieve. Leaders should focus on the quality and relevance of data and ensure questions posed are clear and aligned with organizational goals. 
  • Mario points out a common issue where leaders seek answers without framing the right questions, leading to misdirected efforts and resources. Leaders should encourage a culture of curiosity and critical thinking where questions are encouraged to evolve as understanding deepens.
  • A highlighted pitfall is the tendency to use data to confirm pre-existing biases rather than to explore new insights. Leaders need to be aware of their cognitive biases and foster an environment where data is used to challenge and broaden perspectives.
  • The discussion underscores the need for a seamless integration of business and data strategies to ensure they complement rather than conflict with each other. Strategy formulation should involve a holistic view, considering how data strategy supports and enhances overall business objectives. 
  • While touching on the role of AI, the conversation remains realistic about its current capabilities and limitations. Adopt AI with clear objectives, starting with specific use cases that offer value and understand that AI is an augmenting tool rather than a substitute for human decision-making. 
  • Strategies can be effectively translated into actionable plans, ensuring they are communicated and understood across all levels of an organization. Leaders should ensure that strategic goals are cascaded down in a way that every team member understands their role and contributions towards these goals. 
Quote of the Show:
  • “Data is not a panacea. It's not the cure-all.” - Mario Laposse
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Creators & Guests

Ryan Sullivan
Mario Laposse

What is Making Better Decisions: Leaders in Data?

Dive into the dynamic world where data meets decision-making! Hosted by Ryan Sullivan, a seasoned analyst, this podcast is your go-to resource for understanding how organizations harness the potential of data to drive strategic decisions. Join us every Wednesday as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of data-driven transformations, making every episode a journey toward smarter decisions and better outcomes. Making Better Decisions is proudly sponsored by Canopy Analytic, helping companies make better decisions using data.