Biblical Reflections

The Gospel of Mark is short and full of action scenes.  Unlike Matthew, who presents Jesus giving five great oral teaching dissertations, Mark presents Jesus saying very little, and with no long sermons.  Rather than what Jesus says, we learn who Jesus is and why he came by what he does.  Mark and Matthew are two diametrically opposed teaching methods, which carry the same message.  In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is not presented as a king but as a suffering servant.  For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  Mark 10:45

Creators & Guests

Andrew is a master storyteller. Having flown multiengine, bomber planes; practiced law; and earned a seminary degree, he draws upon a deep bank of experience and knowledge. Yeah, he is one of those guys who knows Greek. But coming out of a working-class home, he speaks plainly and clearly. His podcasts are thought-provoking and entertaining. His passion for God’s Word comes out in every episode.
Tom Kjeldgaard
Follower of Christ, Maker, Business Consultant, Husband, Father

What is Biblical Reflections?

Join host Andrew as he walks us through sections of scripture allowing us to reflect on what God is telling us. Yeah, he is one of those guys who knows Greek. But coming out of a working-class home, he speaks plainly and clearly. His podcasts are thought-provoking and entertaining. His passion for God’s Word comes out in every episode.