Shared Insights: The Podcast from Upland BA Insight

Helen Lippell helps to demystify smart taxonomies and clean up messy content in your CMS to increase relevant results across enterprise search.

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Helen Lippell has run her own consultancy since 2007, working as a specialist in taxonomy, metadata, ontologies and enterprise search. She loves getting stuck into projects and working with clients to figure out how best to use the messy content and data they have. She has supported organizations such as the BBC,, Financial Times, Pearson, and Electronic Arts.

Helen joins us today to help our audience better understand taxonomies and search and how solid metadata can support your organization through the scourge of digital entropy.

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What is Shared Insights: The Podcast from Upland BA Insight?

Shared Insights is a podcast about modernizing enterprise search and intranets to improve employee collaboration and productivity. From customer stories to behind the scenes tales of our own developers, we aim to share what makes our approach to finding and accessing content across the enterprise a transformative force.