Racing Green

In this episode, Jamie Quinn, Sustainability Director of Related Argent, the asset manager of King’s Cross, Brent Cross Town and other nearby developments. explores the sustainability of London's Kings Cross Estate. Once an industrial hub, it's now a beacon of eco-friendly urban living. Jamie uncovers the innovative approaches that transformed Kings Cross, from energy-efficient buildings to vibrant green spaces. While discussing the importance of collaboration with local groups, Jamie discusses the upcoming event Earthfest, a sustainability festival spanning many areas of Kings Cross, and how the carbon neutral estate is the perfect location.

Join Jamie on a journey through Kings Cross's remarkable evolution in this inspiring episode of Racing Green.

What is Racing Green?

Camden Clean Air’s podcast series, Racing Green, explores the worlds of those doing extraordinary things in the world of clean air, sustainability, and Greentech.

Hosted by Jeffrey Young, founder of Camden Clean Air and CEO of Allegra Group, each episode features an insightful conversation with interesting persons from well-establish companies leading the charge towards a sustainable future as well as exciting start-ups creating inspiring and positive change.