Promote The Truth Podcast

Have you ever paused to consider the multitude of lies woven into the very fabric of our daily lives through pagan idols and traditions? It's time to declare "NO MORE" and join us on a mission to Tear It Down!

In this pivotal episode, we dive deep into Dabariym (Deuteronomy) 12:1-5, as translated in the "Truth Scriptures," where YAHUAH commands us to obliterate all forms of idolatry. But what does this Commandment mean for us in the modern world, surrounded by technology and traditions steeped in paganism?

We explore the profound implications of following this critical directive in today's context—breaking free from the pagan traditions and practices that have infiltrated our lives, from the holidays celebrated to the churches that are attended. This episode is not just a discussion. This is a call to action, empowering you with the knowledge of the TRUTH and leveraging the power of technology to dismantle the pagan influences that surround us.

Join us as we unravel the threads of deception and reclaim our set-apart path, guided by the wisdom of YAHUAH. It's time to tear down the idols, challenge the status quo, and embrace a life of authenticity and set-apartness. Let's embark on this journey together, tearing down to build anew—a life aligned with the TRUTH and free from the chains of paganism.

Tune in to "TEARING DOWN ALL PAGAN IDOLS!" and be part of the movement that's setting the captives free, one truth at a time.

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Blessings and Love,
Promote The Truth

#TearDownIdols #SetApartPath #TruthAwakening #PaganFreeLiving #EmbraceTheTruth

What is Promote The Truth Podcast?

Promote The Truth is unlike any podcast you’ve ever heard before. If you are on a spiritual or enlightenment journey, this is the place for you. If you're on a sincere "truth journey" and can feel you need more answers, this is the place for you. If you've ever had prayers go unanswered and knew that you should have received an answer, then more than likely you've been calling on the wrong Name, and have yet to enter into a covenant relationship with the True Creator of all, YAHUAH. We'll show you how to simply fix this problem. It will become common sense to you. On this podcast, you will be given accurate information about the Creator, YAHUAH, and His way to Eternal Life. We know that getting accurate information on the TRUTH is extremely difficult, but we’ve simplified it for our listeners to engage and fully understand the truth. All our research is backed up by some of the earliest and/or original scripture text available. Are you ready to hear some of the most powerful, life-altering spiritual information ever? See you on the next episode of the Promote The Truth Podcast!

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Promote The Truth