Business in Focus

The coronavirus outbreak has been stressful for many people, including those in leadership positions. We are being asked to lead in a world that is unlike anything we've ever experienced. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming and cause strong reactions, making it difficult to look after our wellbeing. And even if we're not experiencing these feelings ourselves, it's so important that we're able to support those we're working with. Dr. Rob Archer, a Chartered Psychologist at Cognacity, and Dr. Claudia Van Den Heuvel, who works in PwC's crisis business, explore some of the personal challenges leaders are experiencing right now, and discuss strategies to help us look after our mental wellbeing and maintain strong leadership through uncertain times.

Show Notes

The coronavirus outbreak has been stressful for many people, including those in leadership positions. We are being asked to lead in a world that is unlike anything we've ever experienced. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming and cause strong reactions, making it difficult to look after our wellbeing. And even if we're not experiencing these feelings ourselves, it's so important that we're able to support those we're working with. Dr. Rob Archer, a Chartered Psychologist at Cognacity, and Dr. Claudia Van Den Heuvel, who works in PwC's crisis business, explore some of the personal challenges leaders are experiencing right now, and discuss strategies to help us look after our mental wellbeing and maintain strong leadership through uncertain times. 

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