Racks Fur N’ Feathers

The guys welcome sportsman and administrator of the popular Facebook page The Woodsman Mike Ellis into the studio. Subjects discussed: How the Facebook page came to be, Mike's Thailand experience, his Alaskan moose hunt, how he balances his sometimes hectic business life and his personal life, Mike explains how he deals with anti hunters, Mike's ALMOST state record turkey, calling vs rattling, eating rat, and the Buchanan Bass Anglers' charity crawfish boil.

What is Racks Fur N’ Feathers?

We're an outdoor/comedy podcast for the working man. We all have jobs, families, and an all out LOVE for the outdoors!. We get together every week, usually with a guest and talk hunting, fishing, trapping, cooking, you name it. We have a wide variety of interesting guests ranging from some of the top biologists in the country to local sports-men and women that share their stories and knowledge with us over cold beer and plenty of laughs.