In today’s episode, our host, Nikki Mendiola, chats with guests Veronica Tamani, Daphny Budaz, and Ericka Sisgundo about their experiences (or lack thereof) with (pre-Spanish) Filipino spiritualism, mythologies, and superstitions.
Show Notes
Psssst... Did you hear that she visited a witch doctor? Did you hear she got sick after playing in the fields? Did you hear that she got “nabati”?
Resilience is often attributed to experiences of adversity and pain. It is commonly described as bouncing back from your hardships, and the tremendous strength one demonstrates, allowing them to continue trekking forward.
The Philippines is said to be a widely Catholic nation. Nevertheless, many also remember the folk legends and superstitions that their Lolas (grandmas) told them as they were growing up.
There is a growing community of Filipinxs retracing their roots to pre-colonial beliefs. Lost records or a disconnection to family ties are only some of the challenges facing them. In spite of countless barriers, folks remain dedicated to reconstructing these systems of beliefs.
This episode hopes to open the door for more conversations in the future about reclaiming our Filipinx identities and its close relationship with rediscovering spirituality/faith/religion.
What is What's the Tsismis??
An inside look on Pilipinx identity in the diaspora. A new podcast from CJSR 88.5 FM in Edmonton.