A Broad's Way Through Broadway

The Broad takes on her first "failed" musical with the help of Jim Van Deusen. Lucky Stiff ran Off-Broadway for only 15 performances! What is it about this much maligned show that Allison loves enough to make a full episode about it?!
HOST: Allison Chicorel GUEST: Jim Van Deusen
Check out our website: abroadswaythroughbroadway.com

This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2022

Show Notes

The Broad takes on her first "failed" musical with the help of Jim Van Deusen. Lucky Stiff ran Off-Broadway for only 15 performances! What is it about this much maligned show that Allison loves enough to make a full episode about it?! 
HOST: Allison Chicorel GUEST: Jim Van Deusen 
Check out our website: abroadswaythroughbroadway.com

This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2022

What is A Broad's Way Through Broadway?

Each episode Allison has a conversation with a special guest to examine one of her favorite Broadway shows.