You Can Mentor: A Christian Mentoring Podcast

This Mentoring Minute deals with a really good question you can ask your mentee to start some high-quality conversation. Back in youth group, we would trace out somebody’s silhouette on a piece of butcher paper and have students fill in the space with what a Christian looks like. It was hilarious to watch the paper person come alive with a Christian bookstore t-shirt, a WWJD bracelet, multiple bibles and concordances in hand, other modest clothing and a John 3:16 sign with clown wig for the football games.

So we know by now that Christ-followers come in all shapes and sizes. But, there are three things we know about what a Christian needs to look like and they come from Jesus’ words in Mark 8:34. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”
  1. Denying yourself – Oh what a powerful trait for the Christian! To deny yourself is to know your cravings and comforts and anything that will keep you from God and saying NO to them. Self-denial is about sacrifice! It is a daily choice to forgo our own motives and actions for the Lord’s! To help your mentee understand this point, share what things you have denied yourself that have strengthened your faith.
  2. Taking up our cross – The Cross of Christ is our call as well in life and I know that sounds heavy but we follow Jesus’ example when we realize our PURPOSE and live in obedience to what He has for us. We don’t take up a cross that offers salvation for others. We do take up a cross out of obedience to God so we can do the work He has planned for us. Be prepared to talk about specific crosses you have taken up in your faith journey. 
  3. Following Jesus – This is the best part. Imagine God telling us to deny ourselves, get to work on this earth for Him but then Him leaving us with no direction or guidance. We would be lost! But instead, Jesus says I have a plan and I will be revealing it to you as we walk through life together. 
It’s his PRESENCE in our lives that gives us the motivation to deny ourselves, the power to take up our cross, and the willingness to follow!

Be sure to make the connection with your mentee that it’s your hope to reflect Christ as a mentor. That as you follow Jesus and enjoy communion with him your prayer is that your mentee will follow him as well and have communion with Jesus and you as a mentor.

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Creators & Guests

Zachary Garza
Founder of Forerunner Mentoring & You Can Mentor // Father to the Fatherless // Author

What is You Can Mentor: A Christian Mentoring Podcast?

You Can Mentor is a network that equips and encourages mentors and mentoring leaders through resources and relationships to love God, love others, and make disciples in their own community.

We want to hear from you! Send any mentoring questions to, and we'll answer them on our podcast. We want to help you become the best possible mentor you can be. Also, if you are a mentoring organization, church, or non-profit, connect with us to join our mentoring network or to be spotlighted on our show.

Please find out more at or find us on social media. You will find more resources on our website to help equip and encourage mentors. We have downloadable resources, cohort opportunities, and an opportunity to build relationships with other Christian mentoring leaders.