Breaking Free - A Body, Mind, Spirit Approach to Mental Health

In all our talk on the inner journey of healing and moving out of codependency, where does relationship fit in the healing journey? In this episode my guest is my husband of nearly 20 years to get raw and real about our marriage and how relationship played a key role in healing process for us both. Hear a journey from considering divorce to truly having a life partner that is your best friend and advocate in living your best life.

Show Notes

It seems about time that I share the journey of my most important relationship with this community, my marriage. For many years, I wore a mask of perfectionism and "pretending to be", until I realized there is no joy in inauthentic living, especially in marriage. Relationship is a key component of our ability to heal, do our inner work, and move from shame to wholeness. However, our partners cannot heal us. Then what part does relationship play in our inner healing work?

In this Episode, I bring in my husband of nearly 20 years as a guest to discuss our journey as a couple in facing shame and woundedness as a team, and how our partners really show us the areas we most need to grow.  We desired to heal and grow and if possible find ourselves on the other side united. We discuss how we did just that! Yes, like many of you we had some low points, even considered divorce for a time, but realized that the brokenness was inside each of us and our marriage was simplify a reflection of our own inner conflict.  We will take you on a journey of 20 years of marriage and our evolution in thinking and relating that really helped us find both ourselves and our way to each other.

My husband brings a male perspective to the conversation of the healing journey and what it was like for him to co-journey with a partner overcoming Complex PTSD and trying to find her true self in the midst of parenting, marriage, and career development. We share how we went from disconnection to connection and the principles that allowed us to find that healing together.

What is Breaking Free - A Body, Mind, Spirit Approach to Mental Health?

Podcast hosted by Licensed Professional Counselor, Sommer A. Seitz, MA, LMHC for Whole Women Link Association.