LIBERTY ROAD with Nada Jones

Gina Pell and Amy Parker are the Chief Content and Chief Executive Officers of THE WHAT. list, a weekly newsletter and community, connecting women to WHAT matters to them. 

In this episode, Amy and Gina share how they are business partners who “can’t quit each other!”  With 18 years and three ventures, they have weathered the entrepreneurial storm together.  After navigating the dot com boom, the 2008 recession, running a lifestyle website, and the dramatic changes in online advertising, Gina and Amy have learned the importance of iteration and pivoting. Each of these lessons, and a little bit of life, have led to the launch of their 3rd business, THE WHAT. list. 

THE WHAT. list has created a thriving online community of women through curated content around Amy and Gina’s discoveries of products, services and experiences. 

Side note: Nada also uncovers exactly what Gina meant when she coined “Perennial”.

You can find out more about THE WHAT at

Please follow us at @thisislibertyroad on Instagram--that's where we hang out the most and connect with our community. And please rate and review this podcast. It helps to know if these conversations are inspiring and equipping you to consider what's now and what's next.

What is LIBERTY ROAD with Nada Jones ?

Pursuing your future doesn’t end at 40, in fact, it may mark the beginning of knowing who you are, what you’re capable of and what you really want. But knowing what’s next and how to get there can be a challenge—especially when old narratives play on repeat. I’ve come to believe that the best way to understand your possibilities is in hearing from others—what they have done and how they have done it.

LIBERTY ROAD is here to share stories so that you can consider your possibilities, pursue your purpose and move into your future with intention.