Out of the Hourglass

Our LEAN Podcast Series here on Out of the Hourglass rolls on with NCG Business Coach, Jim Bradley.   Today - we are introducing the Kaizen Event! If Lean is a lens through which we focus on eliminating waste, increasing productivity and providing value add for an organization, 

The Kaizen focuses on continuous improvement, the change for good. 

Having facilitated many Kaizen events over his career, Jim walks us through the approach and outlays the details of teaching lean thinking through this process, from the specifics of who should be involved, the timeline and preparation, and what type of issue or problem identified qualifies to be put through a Kaizen - this is about taking focused, structured time on site to identify and roll out a solution to a problem you want to fix. 

A reminder that we kicked off the series back in the Fall of 2022, so if you’re just joining us -be sure to jump back for an intro to the concept and the following 2 episodes highlighting process tools, TIMWOODS and DMAIC. (Link to those episodes)

This episode is brought to you by Groundwork, our Gold Level Grand Summit Sponsor and a supporting partner of the Summit Member Group. . 

Creators & Guests

Molly Nolan
Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, a Coaching & Consulting firm focused on the Trades Industry.

What is Out of the Hourglass?

Out of the Hourglass, presented by Nolan Consulting Group, is here to help Small Business Owners and Contractors alike visualize their goals, develop their team & build sustainable growth. You'll hear from our panel of NCG Coaches on a variety of topics, guest speakers from top industry resources, Business Owners sharing best practices and a focus on strategies across sales, marketing, business planning, human resources and more. We're here to take you "out of the hourglass" and reach YOUR Summit.