XMTR Radio Hour

This show is dedicated to the joyful chaos that is Angel Edmonton in Enfield, North London. Once an industrial hub attracting factory workers and their families, the area has been neglected for decades as factories gave way to warehouses and social housing fell into decay.  Today it's a multicultural crossroads undergoing massive redevelopment. Echoes of Angels produced by Social Broadcasts takes us on a trip down the main artery - Fore Street, guided by local residents and business owners. 
Echoes of Angels a Social Broadcast by  – Lucia Scazzocchio 
Commissioned by Fore Street for All 
Next we join Enfield People’s Theatre with local producer Soveks Lo behind the scenes of their latest production Bread and Roses - a community play recounting the 1915 Edmonton Rent Strike and the community action (led and won by local women) drawing parallels with the current housing crises.

What is XMTR Radio Hour?

Do you find yourself stuck in the same channels? Unable to break out of the echo-chamber of your media consumption and worldview. Transmitter is here to cut through the noise. Lucia Scazzocchio from 'Social Broadcasts' scans the digital soundscape every other month to bring you original sounds, new voices and archive treasures from podcasts, radio, sound installations and anything that catches her ears.