The Stillest Hour

Offer Component #8 - Social Proof and what to do if you don't have any?

Show Notes

Irresistible Offer Component #8: Social Proof

Now you might be thinking – Paul I don’t really have any social proof. Or I do have social proof but I can’t demonstrate a massive result….yet.
Now social proof does help. For example, if anyone asks me for proof, I can show them a video of one business owner that I’ve created 400k in 6 weeks from one offer. That’s a big result!

But you don’t need social proof.

Here are some ways to demonstrate social proof if you don’t have that big case study or testimonial.

1. Show proof that the concept works. If you are a dietician and live and die by the Atkins diet but you don’t have examples of a client losing 50 pounds. Show case studies and testimonials of the diet working generally.

2. Find friends and family that you have done great similar work for – and ask if they would jot down a couple lines and you can use that as part of your testimonials.

3. What if you are just starting and you haven’t done any work in that particular field. You can still demonstrate that you are responsive, timely and work hard to get results. Those values alone are significant.

4. You can also create social proof by writing or speaking. One way is to write an article about your subject and pay to have it published in Yahoo news. Or you can create an offer to appear on someone’s podcast and then use that as social proof. “My journey starting a business from scratch.”

What is The Stillest Hour?

This podcast follows the ordinary stories of Entrepreneurs in the Financial Industry who broke false beliefs, built companies, lost everything, and yet found the motivation to persevere in their stillest hour.