The Faith Filled Entrepreneur

There are few reasons that you are either not making sales, or you won’t make sales. 1. Your audience is confused about something - your message, your CTA, your solution - something. Clear is kind. Confusion brings nos. 2. Your message is going in too many different directions. Links:We have a free guide that will help you work through your entire Business Bullseye. Business Bullseye Guide: What confuses audiences:Cute names that don’t mean anything.Not having a cohesive social media Not having a clear CTASpeaking only of the solution and not of the pain pointsNot being consistent  Messaging: If you are a "jack of all trades", you are seen as the expert at nothing.Jump on our waitlist for the First 5 Steps to Starting and Growing an Online Business. This free workshop is for you if you have a business but want to take it full time or if you are in the starting phases of an online business. You will get a plan for creating and growing a profitable online business. Jump on the waitlist here:

Show Notes

There are few reasons that you are either not making sales, or you won’t make sales. 1. Your audience is confused about something - your message, your CTA, your solution - something. Clear is kind. Confusion brings nos. 

2. Your message is going in too many different directions. 


We have a free guide that will help you work through your entire Business Bullseye. Business Bullseye Guide: 

What confuses audiences:

  1. Cute names that don’t mean anything.
  2. Not having a cohesive social media 
  3. Not having a clear CTA
  4. Speaking only of the solution and not of the pain points
  5. Not being consistent  

Messaging: If you are a "jack of all trades", you are seen as the expert at nothing.

Jump on our waitlist for the First 5 Steps to Starting and Growing an Online Business. This free workshop is for you if you have a business but want to take it full time or if you are in the starting phases of an online business. You will get a plan for creating and growing a profitable online business.

Jump on the waitlist here:

What is The Faith Filled Entrepreneur?

If you are a business owner and you love Jesus, you've come to the right place! Are you needing business strategies to grow your business? Are you wanting to lean on your faith in the process? Are you wanting to build confidence in taking next steps? You will get all of that and more in this podcast!