The Anxiety Coach Podcast

Quick chat about how and what state we can be in to make change in our lives and the behaviour equation to make that happen and last!

Show Notes

How to Make Change and Keep Change

How often do you go through the cycle of start, stop, start stop... Only to fall off track a few days/weeks later?

It doesn't have to always be this way.

We have a few options:
1. Hitting rock bottom can be a powerful place to make change from.
2. Be inspired from others who have been in a similar position..

B.J. FOGG Behaviour equation to help us implement and keep habits:

Behaviour (B) = Motivation (M) x Ability (A) x Prompt (P).

We've gotta develop that WHY (M), make it as easy as possible (A) and create something to trigger our minds to implement this new change (P)

Getting support from friends, family, a professional can be super helpful in starting and sticking to change!

Have an awesome week legends.

Tiny Habits Book:

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What is The Anxiety Coach Podcast?

Chats about life, conquering anxiety and getting in the best physical and mental shape of your life...

A mix of solo episodes, inspiring and wise guests that will help you on your journey through live and feel empowered in doing so!