The Elevated Coach Podcast

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Key takeaways:
  • Coaches often get stuck in the feast to famine cycle by simplifying and going back to what works at the bottom of the cycle.
  • Creating from neediness and desperation leads to substandard clients that coaches don't want to work with in the long run.
  • Lack of a marketing engine or system, self-sabotage, and no multi-year vision for clients are common reasons coaches stay stuck in the cycle.
  • To break free, coaches need to spot the patterns, break free from the survival standard paradigm, build monthly recurring revenue offers, and implement systems.

Sound bites:
"If you're a coach that's stuck in the exhausting and painful feast to famine cycle, then this video is for you."
"We have lots of clients because we focus on the stuff that works, but these clients aren't necessarily clients we want to work with over the long haul."
"I noticed a pattern when I was at the peak of a wave is that I actually was self-sabotage and create circumstances and environment which would get me back to the trough of a wave."

Time stamps:
00:00 Introduction to the Feast to Famine Cycle
03:29 The Patterns that Keep Coaches Stuck
05:49 Reasons Coaches Stay Stuck in the Cycle
08:51 Breaking Free from the Feast to Famine Cycle

What is The Elevated Coach Podcast?

The Elevated Coach is a weekly show for any coach who leads with their heart, is driven by impact and wants to play big.

The episodes are a mix of solo episodes with your host Joel Burgess, interviews with coaches at the forefront of the industry and real-life coaching sessions around different areas of business, life and health.

If you want to stake claim to your calling as a coach, and become more powerful and profitable, then tune into The Elevated Coach Podcast with Joel.